Monday, August 4, 2008

SunCrest Market Malaise

The little SunCrest Market is closing and I'm so sad about it. I knew it was struggling, but I was cautiously optimistic that our letter writing and puny "Save the Market" campaign would help. I shopped there as much as I could, but let's face it, I'm just one person and my 1/2 gallon of organic milk and coffee creamer a week just wasn't going to make all that much difference.

It's a bummer though. I was trying to turn that place into my little Cheers bar. I've always wanted to be a regular someplace and feel like one of the "in" crowd. I love the idea of a little neighborhood hang-out where people gather to catch up on the local news and happenings. Growing up on a farm I always felt like an outsider. All the townies would get together at Toolie's Drug Store or at Irita's Beauty Shop and gossip. My mom claimed to hate that type of thing and would actively avoid most purely social situations, especially Irita's. And town was way too far away for me to ride my bike to alone. But I was always so jealous of the town people. I really wanted to hang out and hear about the Hatch family across the tracks, listen to the old-timers talk about the good ol' days, and figure out just exactly what went on at the old school house.

Still one of my very favorite things to do is to hang out and just talk--talk about anything and everything that comes up. There is nothing I miss more than those all-night philosophical discussions that seemed to happen with regularity during college.

And beyond any social aspirations I had for that miniature market, it was just fun to go there. My nephews loved it. It had become our tradition when they came to my house. We would go to the market (sometimes we would walk which would make it even MORE fun for them) and get some popcorn, treats, and a DVD. They loved to walk up and down every isle and point out all the really cool stuff. Then they would inevitably choose the messiest candy possible like a giant jaw breaker or a tube of some kind of sweet blue goopy stuff--the candy their parents would NEVER let them get. And off we would go to cuddle up on my bed with a Disney-arama DVD and sticky fingers. I'm pretty sure Harmon's will not hold the same appeal.

I wish these small, privately owned businesses could make it in today's society, but it's hard to change people's shopping habits no matter how high the price of gas is. And there is always going to be a big box store with a super in its name with slightly lower prices at an unreasonably higher cost.


Laura said...

I am so sad too, I love the market. You hit my feelings exactly with the "Cheers" comment. I always felt it was my little Cheers. I'd walk in and Jerry or Jake would call out halfway across the store "Laura!"

Walking there with my son for balloons or candy, gone. This is so sad.

I did my best to shop there, easily spending $50+ a week there. I hate the inconvenience of walking thru the giant grocery store.

Wonder if we can figure out how to lease the building and put some hangout in it for residents. I know, wishful thinking. Sigh.

Olivia said...

Laura, I think we should seriously consider it! It seems like such a waste to have that building sit empty. Maybe we could talk Zion's into an interim compromise. There are lots of things we could do with that space while we are waiting for a long-term solution.

I talked to Jake and he said they would consider coming back once a new developer came in. "If they asked us and wanted us back," he said. I think they did such a terrific job there and it's just heartbreaking to lose them.

DeLaina said...

The lease is only 2K a month...divided among 1300 households, minus the pooey people who wouldn't WANT a cool hangout, plus the liability insurance we'd have to get...sigh. My point? I'll miss the market.